**Through the collective efforts of many concerned groups and individuals, the citizens of Connecticut (with considerable help from out-of-state friends) were able to pass two laws concerning AEDs in the Spring of 2009. This involved much planning, personal testimony, numerous emails to legislators, phone calls and a lot of legwork. The American Heart Association invites you to take action on many heart disease and stroke issues by joining their “You’re The Cure” Network. This can be accessed at http://yourethecure.org/default.aspx. You receive email alerts when pertinent state and federal health issues are to be decided by our legislators. You have the choice to respond to these emails (or not) by contacting your legislators.
**The Larry Pontbriant Athletic Safety Fund has an Email Distribution List to quickly communicate with those on the list. This was a very effective way of notifying concerned individuals when AED legislation in Connecticut was up for a vote. Whenever we hear of a legislative issue that deserves support concerning AEDs, we will notify those on the list to take action and contact their legislators. We will also use the list to announce fundraisers like the Annual Larry Pontbriant Memorial Run or the Tennis Tournament.
You may sign up for our Distribution List via the link: http://lpasf.org/schedulelist.html.
**Take a course on CPR/AED use and get certified. These are offered by many groups including the Red Cross, the American Heart Association and some fire and ambulance companies. Depending on the program, re-certification is required in 1 or 2 years.
**Join us for one of our fundraising activities. Proceeds are donated to the Larry Pontbriant Athletic Safety Fund for the purchase of AEDs for schools and athletic fields.